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Democratic Unions Get the Goods

Alex N. Press Jacobin
A new report coauthored by labor analyst Jane McAlevey presents overwhelming evidence that democratic unionism that puts workers at the center of collective bargaining wins strong contracts.

Lithium, Cobalt, and Rare Earths

Michael Klare TomDispatch
The Post-Petroleum resource race and the potential for global strife over rare-earth elements used for sun and wind generated electricity may not, in fact, disappear in the Age of Renewables.

International Solidarity Rebuilt Postwar Vietnam

Owen Hatherley jacobin
During the Vietnam War, the city of Vinh was almost destroyed by US bombing. Socialists around the world helped rebuild it. Today, Vinh's architecture stands as a monument to that internationalist solidarity.

F**K War

Veterans for Peace Veterans for Peace
We are ANGRY that there is a holiday that glorifies nationalism and patriotism and ignores the trauma that U.S. militarism enacts all over the globe.

White People’s Stake in Ending the White Republic

Erin Heaney Organizing Upgrade
Organizing poor and working white people – who are not currently a part of our movement but who have everything to gain by joining multiracial formations, especially in the South – provides a major opportunity to break the power of a white republic.