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80 Years Ago Today, Disney Animation Workers Went on Strike

Paul Prescod Jacobin
The Disney cartoonists and animators’ strike that began at a California studio on May 29, 1941, forever changed the labor standards of an industry — and inspired cultural workers to take greater ownership over their labor.

There Can be No Biodiversity Without Human Diversity

Fiore Longo Equal Times
If we want to save biodiversity, we must tackle the real causes, namely the exploitation of natural resources for profit and growing overconsumption, driven by the countries of the North.

The Healing Web of Solidarity: Lessons from a Favela

Alice F. Thompson and Kenneth S. Thompson MD Working-Class Perspectives
"A spider without their web is like an Indian without land or a community without solidarity.” — Tremembé Indian saying, Brazil.


Joseph B Atkins Labor South
The South's patrician political leadership still has contempt for the lower classes of "Lubberland"