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Conservatives Love Coal Miners — Until They Go on Strike

Jacob Morrison Jacobin
The Right has worked hard in recent years to portray itself as defenders of beleaguered coal miners. But over a thousand miners are currently on strike in Alabama and we haven’t heard a peep about it from conservative talking heads.

Why Aren’t We Talking about Farmers in India?

Raj Patel Boston Review
Today the farmer protests continue in Delhi’s blistering heat and raging COVID-19 outbreak. Protesters have declared that they will remain either until Modi repeals his agricultural reforms or until he loses his 2024 reelection bid.

How Privilege and Capital Warped a Movement

Talmon Joseph Smith The New York Times
"Capitalism is dependent on inequality, on an underclass. If the model is profit over everything else, you’re not going to look at your policies to see what is most racially equitable.”

JP Morgan Chase Just Became the World's Most Dangerous Bank

Alec Connon Common Dreams
Rather than actually reducing the overall greenhouse gas emissions associated with its lending, Chase, which is the world's largest funder of fossil fuels, has created a convoluted accounting trick known as "carbon intensity".

We Want a Society Without Landlords

Andrej Holm (Translation by Adam Baltner) Jacobin
The popularity of Berlin’s campaign to expropriate corporate landlords shows just how few people trust capitalism to provide them with affordable, good-quality homes.