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Palestinianism: Charting the Life and Work of Edward Said

Adam Shatz London Review of Books
A biography of protean intellectual Edward Said situates the advocate for Palestinian statehood as a deep political thinker and skeptic of identity politics would both excoriate the crimes of Israel and the US and denounce Arab despotism.

Rushing to Judgment on Scott Stringer

Katha Pollitt The Nation
The facts are too scarce, and the stakes are too high, to jump to conclusions. We cannot flourish as a society if a single accusation out of the blue upends an election overnight and ruins a 30-year career in politics.

Teshuvah: A Jewish Case for Palestinian Refugee Return

Peter Beinart Jewish Currents
Why is dreaming of return laudable for Jews but pathological for Palestinians? Since World War II, the international bodies that oversee refugees have developed a clear ethical principle: People who want to return home should be allowed to do so.

US Labor Leaders Should Stand With Palestine

Jeff Schuhrke Jacobin
The International Trade Union Confederation, comprised of over 300 national trade union centers from 167 countries, has spoken up for Palestine. The AFL-CIO has not.

The Police 'Just Launched a War’

J. Lester Feder Politico
Protesters took to the streets last summer to protest police violence. Lawsuits making headway in Columbus and other cities are showing that the police crackdown helped prove their point.