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Anti-Asian Violence and the U.S. Role in Asia

Kent Wong and Stewart Kwoh Portside
What are fundamental causes resulting in thousands of documented acts of anti-Asian hatred and violence, in many instances directed at Asian American women and elders? This analysis must include the long history of U.S. global anti-Asian animus.

Biden's 100 Days

Filipino Migrant Center Filipino Migrant Center
We use the Filipino American Agenda to launch local and national campaigns advocating for concrete solutions to problems our kababayan are facing here. We advocate for our kababayan in the Philippines demanding passage of Philippine Human Rights Act.

Is It Time for a Second White House Summit on Food?

Josh Voorhees Modern Farmer
The first White House food summit took place a half-century ago and changed the trajectory of hunger in America. Has the time come for a serious rethink about the way we approach food and nutrition policy?

Who Cares?

Sarah Jaffe The Baffler
Before Covid-19, American women were already in crisis

The Strange Bipartisan Appeal of Ted Lasso

Joanna Weiss Politico
It's an apolitical show. So why do politicians keep talking about it? It’s ironic that so many people have hung the American self-image on a show with its roots in a mildly condescending joke about ugly Americans.