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Yasmin Williams | "Restless Heart"

Yasmin Williams only started playing the guitar after beating all the songs on expert-level on Guitar Hero II. Now she is one of a new generation who are changing the face of guitar soloists.

A 60-Second Rant for DC Statehood | Mehdi Hasan

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and politicians who ignore their state's own history shouldn't decry DC statehood. In a mini-rant, NBC’s Mehdi Hasan introduces the pot to the kettle. Start the clock!

Friday Nite Videos | May 7, 2021

A 60-Second Rant for DC Statehood | Mehdi Hasan. Yasmin Williams | "Restless Heart". We Will Transform Kentucky | Charles Booker. Desi Lydic Foxsplains: Is America a Racist Country? The Black Church That Could Bankrupt the Proud Boys.

Tidbits - May 6, 2021 - Reader Comments: Biden Recovery Plan; Struggle for Racial Justice; Heroes-Not Saints; Myanmar; Yiddish Immigrants; Book Sale; Puerto Rican Socialist Party; Climate Change; Pensions; Labor and Media; Zoom events; more....

Reader Comments: Biden Recovery Plan; US History, Racism and Struggle for Racial Justice; Heroes But Not Saints; Myanmar; Yiddish, Immigrants, U.S. left; Book Sale; Puerto Rican Socialist Party; Climate Change; Pensions; Labor and Media; Zoom events

The ‘New Redlining’ Is Deciding Who Lives in Your Neighborhood

Richard D. Kahlenberg New York Times
If you care about social justice, you have to care about zoning. Taking on exclusionary zoning also begins to address two other challenges the Biden administration has identified: the housing affordability crisis and climate change.