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Harvard T. H. Chan Newsletter Harvard T. H. Chan Newsletter
Observational research has found that tea consumption of 2-3 cups daily is associated with a reduced risk of premature death, heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes; studies suggest potential benefits are due to its high polyphenol content.

No, the PRO Act Wouldn’t “Kill” Freelancing

Brandon Magner Jacobin
Some freelancers have come out against the PRO Act, insisting that the pro-labor bill threatens their livelihoods. But they needn’t worry: the bill would transform labor relations for the better, it wouldn’t “kill” freelancing.

Building or Unbuilding America?

Nomi Prins Tom Dispatch
For the next generation, it’s already clear that clean and sustainable energy will be crucial to achieving a more equal, economically prosperous, and less climate-challenged future.