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Remembering IPS Associate Fellow Steve Cobble

John Cavanagh Institute for Policy Studies
One of the country’s leading progressive political strategists and visionaries, Cobble never stopped believing that ‘a better world is possible.’

On Neo-Liberalism, Populism, and the New “Dangerous Class"

Guy Standing OpenDemocracy
UberEats drivers protest outside Uber's downtown Toronto office.
Noted British labor economist Guy Standing says the mainstream left, left populists and social democrats, should not be distracted by populism. Instead it should focus on new answers in an era defined by chronic insecurity and growing inequality.

The Privatization of Vaccination

Anissa Gardizy, Kay Lazar and Adam Vaccaro Boston Globe
Massachusetts spent 20 years refining its own mass vaccination plan. Then it looked elsewhere.

Senate Approves Sweeping Coronavirus Measure

Jordain Carney The Hill
Because no Republicans were expected to vote for the bill, Schumer needed every senator in his 50-member caucus to support the legislation in order to push it through the Senate.

How to Unbuild a House

Patrick Daly
California poet Patrick Daly writes in the wake of January 6, 2021 about “that other House” endangered by a mob or by “An angry man/red and orange like a flame?”

Looking for John Sweeney - A Correction

Kim Scipes Portside
John Sweeney with others at a march.
The death of AFL-CIO President John Sweeney has evoked examinations of his legacy. One can praise the good things but its important to address the bad things so we can have a more accurate understanding of his time.