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The Earth Does Not Belong to Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk

Rev Dr Liz Theoharis Tom Dispatch
Honoring Dr. King: He concluded by promising that “ending poverty will not just be an aspiration, it will be a theory of change to build a new economy that includes everyone.”

A Black Lives Matter Founder on Building Modern Movements

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor The New Yorker
In a new book, Alicia Garza writes, “We can’t be afraid to establish a base that is larger than the people we feel comfortable with.” “The Purpose of Power: How We Come Together When We Fall Apart.”

Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A New Chance

H. Patricia Hynes Portside
The 70-year nuclear gloom begins to lift on January 22, 2021. The nine countries that have held the world captive to the threat of nuclear war are losing moral ground to 122 smaller countries that approved the world’s first nuclear weapons ban.

Can We Crack the Right’s White Bloc? These Organizers Say Yes

Marcy Rein Organizing Upgrade
Deep canvass conversations, storytelling, acknowledges people’s experiences while suggesting a different way to understand and respond. Race-class narrative highlights the stake that white people have in fighting racism and ways to take action.