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The Post-Trump Future of Literature

Viet Thanh Nguyen New York Times
What will writers do when the outrage is over? Will they go back to writing about flowers and moons?

Tidbits - Jan. 14, 2021 - Reader Comments: One Week - Coup Attempt and Resistance; America Through Nazi Eyes; Impeachment; Holding Trump, His Enablers and Cohorts Responsible; Israeli Apartheid; Tech and Retail Workers; Resources; Announcements; and more.

Reader Comments: One Week - Coup Attempt and Resistance; America Through Nazi Eyes; Impeachment; Holding Trump, His Enablers and Cohorts Responsible; Israeli Apartheid; Tech and Retail Workers; Resources; Announcements; and more....

Multiracial Democracy or Fascist-Like Autocracy

Georgia. MAGA insurrection. Impeachment. Conviction? Two different futures, an inclusive multiracial democracy or a fascist-like autocracy -- are colliding right now. This is about what we, and you, can do to determine which future will win.

Hold On to That Fear

Mike Ferner Portside
The fear you felt that day was an authentic reflection of what millions of people have endured because of the votes you and past colleagues cast as they authorized trillions upon trillions of dollars to feed and unleash the largest war machine ever.

The Capitol Riot Reveals the Dangers From the Enemy Within

Eric Foner The Nation
The belief that America previously had a well-functioning democracy is an illusion. The riot by supporters of President Trump, aimed at preventing the counting of electoral votes, reveals a darker side of the history of American democracy.

The Capitol Riot: Documents You Should Read

Lauren Harper and Tom Blanton - Compiled and edited by National Security Archive
The Pentagon’s timeline of its response to the January 6 mob attack on the Capitol features multiple discrepancies with the public record, while the first federal indictment details specific legal charges that likely will be brought against others

Global Left Midweek - January 13, 2021

Fascism, fascization, and antifascism 2021. Reports and analyses, with urgent words from Noam Chomsky, Vijay Prashad and Alain Badiou.


Charles Kaiser The Guardian
Ruth Ben-Ghiat delivers a superb examination of how close the US came to fascism – and how it has propped it up before.