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Will Democrats Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth?

Marc Dann and Leo Jennings III Working-Class Perspectives
Illustration of a man looking into the mouth of horse with a bow on its head.
The gift comes courtesy of the 25 GOP governors who opted not to accept billions in federal unemployment benefits. As a result of their callous decision more than 4 million lost $300 in weekly payments they desperately needed.

How to Rebuild the Democratic Party

Natalie Shure The New Republic
Strikers on picket line.
With prospects dimming for national Democrats to wield power, the time is ripe for the party to go local.

The World’s Best Mayor Is a French Communist

David Broder interviews Philippe Rio Jacobin
Philippe Rio from Grigny, south of Paris, has been voted the world’s best mayor. He told Jacobin about the local social programs that have made his Communist administration a global success story

Kansas City Tenants Union: Organizing at the Speed of Trust

Luke Pretz in conversation with Mak, Magda, and Jetzel from KC Tenants Solidarity
We really do believe that organizing happens at the speed of trust. Trust takes a while to form. Our newest tenant Union, the McGee Schiffman Tenant Union, has been in development for like six months before they just became public this past weekend

Here Are the 6 House Democrats That Voted No

John L. Dorman Business Insider
"Conservative Democrats are trying to tell my community that we should just shut up and accept a half deal," Rep. C. Bush tweeted. "... We won't accept anything less than the President's full agenda."

Locked Up and Left to Die

Michael Barajas, Sophie Novack Texas Observer
In Texas, dying in jail is “par for the course.”