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Starbucks Workers Are Organizing — and Management Is Worried

Faith Bennett Jacobin
Starbucks portrays itself as a “community of partners,” not an average workplace. But now that workers are organizing a union drive in Buffalo, that warm and fuzzy rhetoric has vanished, replaced by coercion and union-busting.

Make Gig Work Decent Work

Toronto and York Region Labour Council The Bullet
They created a Bill of Rights that outlines what minimum rights our governments must guarantee to ensure fairness and non-discriminatory treatment for gig workers

Bolivia Shows us What is Possible

Ken Livingstone Morning Star
Bolivia’s rapid social progress under a left-wing government and ability to suffer a right-wing coup then overcome it through mass mobilisation is a source of hope and optimism for the international left.

Friday Nite Videos | October 15, 2021

The Real Reason the Economy Might Collapse | Robert Reich. Children’s Author Tells the True Story of Columbus’ Exploits. The Last Time the Globe Warmed. Fruits of Labor | PBS. The End of Oil, Explained | Vox + Netflix.