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Will Investing in Community Groups Keep Immigrants Out of Detention?

Angelika Albaladejo Capital & Main
Biden’s administration and the Democrat-led Congress are funneling the lion’s share of taxpayer money for “alternatives to detention” into an existing for-profit surveillance program — while spending little on community services.

Healthy Group Accountability: Learning How to Learn

Michael Strom and Joshua Kahn Russell Organizing Upgrade
They ultimately decided that achieving the group’s purpose (meeting the needs of their base), required them to hold each other with both compassion and rigor. Accountability was actually a requirement on the path to power and transformation.

The South Grows More Racially Diverse Ahead of Redistricting Battles

Elisha Brown Facing South
Latest Census Bureau data shows the United States grew more racially diverse over the past decade — a change driven in part by an increase in the multiracial population and the growing number of Hispanic or Latino residents in Southern states...

Too Hot to Work

Kristina Dahl and Rachel Licker Union of Concerned Scientists
Assessing the Threats Climate Change Poses to Outdoor Workers

Attack of the Superweeds

H. Claire Brown New York Times
Herbicides are losing the war — and agriculture might never be the same again.

The Contemporary U.S. Right’s Roots in 1930s Union-Busting

Kathryn Olmsted, Sasha Lilley Jacobin
The roots of the modern US right lie in the California fields of the 1930s, where large growers ferociously resisted farmworker organizing. It’s a reminder that opposing working-class power has been central to the US right from the very beginning.