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Capitalism Made Women Of Color More Vulnerable To The COVID Recession

Tithi Bhattachary Truthout
woman and daughters protesting
For all women who have lost their jobs during this pandemic, Black women and Latinas who perform the bulk of essential work during lockdown, for all Black and Brown elders who have lost their lives, capitalism is their preexisting condition.

Strike for Democracy!

Stephanie Luce Organizing Upgrade
Strikes are rare but political strikes are on the agenda more than they have been in many years. Labor Action to Defend Democracy has come together to "plant seeds and stir the pot," and work with community partners to protect the vote.

How Will the US Counter China?

Michael T Klare Le Monde diplomatique
Would a Joe Biden administration relieve pressure on China, with less antagonism? Though the rhetoric may be softened, the main thrust of US policy, to prevent Beijing from ever achieving international parity with Washington, is unlikely to change

Why Trump Wants Sudan to Befriend Israel - Two Articles

Alex de Waal (BBC), Jason Burke and Oliver Holmes (The Guardian) BBC and The Guardian
With Sudan in desperate straits - a collapsing economy, hyperinflation looming and a nationwide food crisis - the administration of US President Donald Trump and the Israeli government have seen an opportunity. Palestinians call it a new stab in back