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Demonstrating Quantum Supremacy

A major milestone in quantum computing research opens up new possibilities for this technology. The Google AI Quantum team demonstrated how a quantum computer can perform a task no classical computer can in an experiment called "quantum supremacy."

Jojo Rabbit | Movie

Writer director Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarok, Hunt for the Wilderpeople), brings his signature style of humor and pathos to his latest film, Jojo Rabbit, a World War II satire that follows a lonely German boy (Roman Griffin Davis as JoJo) whose world view is turned upside down when he discovers his single mother (Scarlett Johansson) is hiding a young Jewish girl (Thomasin McKenzie) in their attic. Aided only by his idiotic imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler (Taika Waititi), Jojo must confront his blind nationalism.

Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Talk Politics and 2020

In a wide-ranging conversation before the rally in Queens on Saturday, Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke with Ryan Grim about the power of grassroots movements, the importance of electing progressives to Congress, health care, foreign policy and more.

Friday Nite Videos | October 25, 2019

Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Talk Politics and 2020. Jojo Rabbit | Movie. Colbert Gets a Surprise Visit From Rudy Giuliani. Demonstrating Quantum Supremacy. Lebanon Protests: 'I Feel Proud to Be Lebanese.'

We Are Conquerors: Biographing Ben-Gurion

Adam Shatz London Review of Books
A bio of Israel's first prime minister by a leading Israeli journalist views Ben Gurion as not only a committed Zionist but an early advocate of "Greater Israel" and, like those succeeding him, a steadfast enemy of rapprochement with Palestinians.

Middle Class Racism

John Russo and Sherry Linkon Newgeography
A core problem in discussions of racism IS the focus on individual attitudes rather than on structural inequities.