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How Can We End Child Sexual Abuse Without Prisons?

child holding had of another person
How can we disrupt and end child sexual abuse without turning to police and a racist prison industrial complex that disproportionately criminalizes, arrests and imprisons Black and Indigenous people...

The Powerful New Idea in Elizabeth Warren’s Labor Platform

Shaun Richman In These Times
The biggest innovation in Warren’s platform is a private right of action in the federal courts against employers. The biggest disappointment of Warren’s labor plan is her studious avoidance of a just cause right to your job, as Sanders has proposed.

Southern Worker Strikes Show The Power of Solidarity

Connor Harney Liberation News
49,000 United Auto Worker members went on strike on Sept. 16 against General Motors, in the largest walkout there since 2007. While most plants are in the Midwest, they are also in Texas, Kentucky, Kansas, Tennessee and Missouri.

Has Capitalism Become Our Religion?

Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins The Nation
We talk with historian Eugene McCarraher about the myths and rituals of the market, the lost radicalism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the rise of neoliberalism.

We’re Winning the Fight Against Gerrymandering

Zachary Roth Brennan Center for Justice
No thanks to the Supreme Court — but grassroots reform efforts, pro-voter court rulings, and new political dynamics in key states mean the next round of redistricting is shaping up to be a lot fairer than the last one.