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The Greek Revival Plan

Alexis Tsipras Le Monde Diplomatique via ZNet
Syriza leaders says it's 'a challenge that Greece does not face alone.'

El Paso RNs Join National Nurses Organizing Committee-Texas

National Nurses United (NNU) NNU
Registered nurses at Sierra Medical Center in El Paso vote to join the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Texas, the Texas affiliate of National Nurses United, the nation's largest organization of RNs.

The Super Bowl "Blackout" Nobody Is Talking About

By Anthony Asadullah Samad LA Progressive
Since the end of the 2012 NFL season, there have been 15 senior management position openings, eight head coaching positions and seven general manager positions. All have been filled. Not a single African American coach or general manager prospect was hired.

Working without a Contract: A Strategy Whose Time Has Come?

Robert M. Schwartz Labor Notes
Recently, unions have been taking a closer look at the work-without-a-contract strategy. Some have changed their mantra from “no contract, no work” to “no contract, no peace.” With a helpful December 2012 Labor Board (NLRB) ruling (see below), this trend is likely to gain momentum.