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Jeremy Corbyn’s speech to TUC Congress 2019

Jeremy Corbyn TUC
Parliament stands empty shut down by a Prime Minister running away from scrutiny. But we mustn’t mistake the drama at Westminster for real politics. Real politics is about giving power to people so they can take control of their own lives.

Vietnam: Terror Was Absolute

Chris Mullin London Review of Books
Decades after the US retreat from Vietnam, the causes of the war and the outcome are still controversial if not murky, its lessons still not understood by US foreign policy makers. A comprehensive new book aims to clear away much of the detritus.

“Sitting Around Singing Kumbaya”

Arielle Greenberg Poetry Northwest
"Come by here": Listen as the Maine-based poet Arielle Greenberg takes you to the radical roots , the heritage and legacy of the oft-maligned song, Kumbaya.

The Human Cost of a Cheap Manicure

Kim Kelly Teen Vogue
Teen Vogue runs an op-ed column, No Class, dedicated to worker struggles and the American labor movement. This week's column focuses on the troubling working conditions at nail salons and the organizing efforts to change them.