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Movie | Official Secrets

Keira Knightley plays a British intelligence officer turned whistle-blower who tried to stop the 2003 invasion of Iraq

The CEO Helping to Burn the Amazon for Profit

One rich American, CEO Stephen Schwarzman, is responsible for much of the ongoing destruction of the Amazon — and he happens to be a top donor to President Trump and Mitch McConnell

Friday Nite Videos | August 30, 2019

The CEO Helping to Burn the Amazon for Profit. Movie | Official Secrets. The History of the Universe in the Blink of an Eye. Enron - The Biggest Fraud in History. Climate Activist Greta Thunberg, 16, Arrives in NY After Sailing the Atlantic.

A Man of Many Words

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
Peter Martin's The Dictionary Wars: The American Fight Over the English Language shows Noah Webster as the sort of ideologue who's convinced he has a historical mission and carries himself accordingly, writes Scott McLemee.

Tidbits - Aug. 29, 2019 - Reader Comments: Sanders Political Revolution; Global Authoritarianism; Immigrant Workers; Jews Disloyal; David Koch; Puerto Rico; Kashmir; Neoliberalism; Socialist Labor Activism; Climate Strike; Fall Calendar;

Reader Comments: Sanders Political Revolution; Global Authoritarianism; White Supremacy and Terrorism; Immigrant Workers; Jews Disloyal ?!?; David Koch; Puerto Rico; Kashmir; Neoliberalism; Socialist Labor Activism; Climate Strike; Fall Calendar;

A Strategy to Build Labor Power

Luke Elliott-Negri Jacobin
At its core, a fighting labor movement must take on the boss directly, winning fights both big and small that transform life for workers. This should not be in dispute, and it is why socialists have traditionally salted union and non-union shops.