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Code Red: Organizing the Tech Sector

Alex Press Out There
desk lamps
A few years ago, a room full of techies — ​shorthand for white-collar tech employees, usually software engineers or computer programmers — gathered to organize their industry was unthinkable.

The New ICE Age: An Agency Unleashed

Tina Vasquez Rewire.News
police arresting immigrant
Trump is giving ICE the tools, financial resources, and presidential backing to go after immigrant communities as never before. Among its most important and powerful supporters is the labor union that represents ICE’s agents.

New Eugene Debs Film Does the Socialist Proud

Michael Hirsch The Indypendent
Review of a bravura feature length documentary on the life and struggles of militant union leader, socialist orator, five-time presidential candidate against the two-party duopoly and class war prisoner for opposing America’s imperialist entry into World War 1.

With Lula in Jail, the Future of Democracy in Brazil is at Stake

Alfredo Saad-Filho Red Pepper
Lula’s crime was to be a worker and a popular political leader in an elitist country. The challenge for the left is to rebuild a democratic movement that will put the political system, the media, the judicial system and the state at the service of political freedom.


Michael Thomas Barry New York Journal of Books
The renowned Renaissance literary scholar Stephen Greenblatt, whose 1980 book, Renaissance Self-Fashioning: From More to Shakespeare, was a landmark study, has now turned his attention to Shakespeare's treatment of tyrants. Michael Thomas Barry looks at this new, timely volume.