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Friday Nite Videos | April 21, 2017

Bernie: 'Our Job Is to Radically Transform the Democratic Party'. John Oliver | French Elections. Ode to Joy in Nuremburg. Dirt and Deeds in Mississippi. A Message to Trump from Climate Scientists.

American-turned-Israeli Journalist Crushes Liberal Zionism

(((James North))) Mondoweiss
A one-time defender of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians, the well-regarded journalist has had an extended and systematic rethink that is part memoir and part scourging critique, concluding that the reigning Israeli consensus, abetted by the U.S. and shared by liberal Zionists, is less a victim and more a provocateur, with a long list of moral and ethical lapses and a compelling case for world censure and well-deserving of boycott, disinvestment and sanctions.

India: Workers Vow to Fight Maruti Suzuki Murder Charges

Sindhu Menon Equal Times
Since 16 March, over 100,000 workers across India have participated in work stoppages after a court sentenced 13 unionists to life imprisonment. The charges stem from deadly clashes that took place at the at the Maruti Suzuki India Limited auto plant in 2012 after management refused to recognize a union formed in a bid to end the mass casualisation of jobs and improve working conditions. India's auto industry is one of the world's largest.

Tidbits - April 20, 2017 - Reader Comments: Syria Catastrophe; Day Without Immigrants; Montana Special Election; Trump, McCarthyism, and Russian Hacking; Combating climate change resources; Journey to Palestine and Israel; and more...

Reader Comments: Syria Catastrophe - Who Benefits?; A Day Without Immigrants - Hundreds Of Thousands Will Strike May 1; Montana Special Election; Trump, McCarthyism, and Russian Hacking; Portside's Culture posts; Resources: Combating climate change; New book - In the Fields of the North; Announcements: Rana Plaza film showings; Sarah Jaffe on American Activists; Women Fight the Islamic State; Marx's Capital-after 150 Years; Journey to Palestine and Israel; and more...

Socialists and Immigration

Duane Campbell Antiracismdsa
In spite of the economic boon for the wealthy, working people in the U.S. have yet to receive a significant improvement in their standard of living for over 30 years. At the same time, democratic forces are once again confronted with anti-immigrant campaigns. As socialists, we stand with and among the U.S. working class in opposition to the rule of the transnational corporations and their exploitation of the economy and despoliation of our lives, society and environment

Our Nakba: Israel Celebrates 50 Years as Occupier

Gideon Levy; Jonathan Cook Haaretz (Israel)
Israel must cloak itself in sorrow over what happened since that terrible summer of 1967, when it won a war and lost nearly everything. Israel is to hold lavish celebrations over the coming weeks to mark the 50th anniversary of what it calls the “liberation of Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights” – or what the rest of us describe as the birth of the occupation.

Nuclear War Has Become Thinkable Again – We Need a Reminder of What it Means

Paul Mason The Guardian (UK)
As Trump faces down North Korea, it’s alarming to think that most of the world’s nuclear warheads are now in the hands of men who are prepared to use them. We do know that Donald Trump has been obsessed since the 80s with nuclear weapons, that he refuses to take advice from military professionals and that he seems not to understand the core NATO concept of nukes as a political deterrent, as opposed to a military super weapon.

Why Riverside Church Supports the April 29 March on Washington for Climate, Jobs & Justice

Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Senior Minister, The Riverside Church Portside
Anybody who is paying attention should be worried about the very real threat of climate change, but action on critical environmental issues is often set aside because of perceived immediate crisis: war breaking out on the international stage, racial injustice and inequality decimating our streets at home, threats of mass deportation, a growing healthcare crisis. With all of these vying for our attention, attending to the earth hardly seems high on the priority list.

A Flying Public Finally Erupts

Sam Pizzigati
Airlines make much more on premium seats than on seats in coach. Their goal: make coach seating unpleasant enough to keep the enormously lucrative premium seats filled. For this scheme to work, the inequality involved has to be clearly visible. Coach passengers need to know that passengers upfront are luxuriating while they, cramped and hungry, sit and stew.

The Level of Support for Jean-Luc Mélenchon is Frightening the Powerful

by Henry Crapo L'Humanite
Rising rapidly in the polls, the candidate of ``France Insoumise" has become the main target for defeat by his opponents. The right-wing press is unleashed, and the head of state mingles his voice in the refrain ``Liberalism or Apocalypse", which seeks to discredit any alternative policy.