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“Do You See How Much I’m Suffering Here?” Abuse Against Transgender Women in US Immigration Detention

Trans Queer Libertion Movement TQLM Familia
"Do you see how much I’m suffering here? Do you think anyone deserves to be punished like this? … Sometimes I get anxious. … I thought about killing myself once, but then I regretted it and told myself I wasn’t going to do it. I said, ‘Lord, you gave me my life, why am I going to take it away?’ It’s not His fault they have me suffering here like this."[5] At any given time, the United States holds scores of transgender women in immigration detention.

The Fall of the Faculty: The Rise of the All Administrative University.

Matthew Abraham Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture
Most university teachers in the United States are part time, contingent employees. Their job title of "adjunct" is added to term designating academic rank (lecturer, assistant professor), but carries no job rights, benefits, or expectation of continued employment beyond the present semester. Most full time "academic" jobs are now held by administrators. How did we get here? Benjamin Ginsberg considers these questions, as Matthew Abraham explains.

DC 37 Is With Hillary Clinton

The Bronx Chronicle The Bronx Chronicle
DC37 Executive Director Henry Garrido announced that his union has endorsed Secretary Hillary Clinton. DC37 is the largest municipal union in New York City with 121,000 members and 55,000 retirees and is affiliated with American Federation of State, County and Municipal Emlpyees which has already endorsed her.

John McCain: Salute to a Communist

John McCain New York Times
“For Whom the Bell Tolls” was my favorite novel, and its hero, Robert Jordan, my literary idol. Like him, Delmer Berg fought in Spain, for love.

Bernie Sanders as Commander-in-Chief

Robert Parry Consortium News
“Bernie Sanders voted against the Iraq War,” Gabbard says. “He understands the cost of war, that that cost is continued when our veterans come home. Bernie Sanders will defend our country and take the trillions of dollars that are spent on these interventionist, regime change, unnecessary wars and invest it here at home.”

Victory for Unions as Supreme Court, Scalia Gone, Ties 4-4

Adam Liptak The New York Times
A U.S. Supreme Court ruling allowing workers to refuse to pay the fees would have been the culmination of a decades-long campaign by a group of prominent conservative foundations aimed at weakening unions that represent teachers and other public employees. Tuesday’s deadlock denied them that victory, but it set no precedent and left the door open for further challenges once the Supreme Court is back at full strength.