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French Unions Back Revisions of Labor Law

Liz Alderman The New York Times
PARIS — French labor unions and business leaders struck a deal to overhaul labor laws. The changes include more flexibility for employers to reduce hours to prevent lay offs in times of "economic distress." Employers will pay a higher tax for using temporary labor. In exchange for flexibility, unions secured improvements to unemployment benefits and health insurance, as well as seats on the board of large companies.

Introducing Portside 2.0

The new Portside: better communication, a more usable web site, hyperlinked text, photos, brighter pages, better typography and formatting, integration with Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Big Win for Labor in Chicago

Josh Eidelson Salon
City council passes "wage theft" law that threatens license of violating companies. Will other cities follow?

Coming for Your Guns

Gun rights activists confuse tyranny with the unpleasant sensation of losing elections. (5:39)

Bab AlShams: We Shall Not Be Moved

We sons and daughters of Palestine, without permits from the occupation, without permission from anyone, sit here today because this is our land and it is our right to inhabit it. (4:02)