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Big Labor's Lock 'Em Up Mentality

James Ridgeway and Jean Casella Mother Jones
How otherwise progressive unions stand in the way of a more humane correctional system.

Do You Know Genetics?

Courtney Chow Public Library of Science
There is a huge disparity between what scientists and genetics professionals know and what the general public understands about breakthroughs in the field of genetics and the ethical problems it presents. To address this disparity students at the University of San Diego have created a website to educate the public and bridge the gap between scientific literature and the general public.

Too Fat to Vote

Greg Palast Vice
You know why black folk in the south don’t vote? According to the New York Times and the experts at the Pew Charitable Trust, they’re just too damn fat!


Hubris: Selling the Iraq War

Hubris: Selling the Iraq War

The Bush administration saw the attacks of 9/11 as an opportunity to remove Saddam Hussein, connected to the attacks or not.


Bugger the Bankers

Bugger the Bankers

A song for our times by The Austerity All Stars (Great Britain).

Friday Nite Videos -- Feb 22, 2013

Daily Show: Texans live under the jackboot of a democratically elected government. Rachel Maddow special Hubris: The Selling of the Iraq War. Bugger the Bankers: A song for our times. Silenced: Documentary story of four whistleblowers of the war on terror.