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The Downward Path We’ve Trod: Reflections on an Ominous Anniversary

Joseph A. McCartin Working-Class Perspectives
The undermining of workers’ strike power since PATCO's defeat disabled what was a vital instrument for building and maintaining social solidarity and for directing inevitable class tensions and social conflict toward democratic and egalitarian ends.

We Must Defeat the California Recall

Duane Campbell DSA North Star
With a mobilized anti-immigrant anti-Mexican campaign, a majority of California voters could turn Republican once again. To avoid this calamity, every union, prodemocracy group, Latino political organization needs to organize to defeat the recall.

After Lorca

Patty Dickson Pieczka Bitter Oleander
Patty Dickson Pieczka’s poem “After Lorca” marks the Spanish poet’s murder by Spanish fascists on August 16, 1936.

Amazon? There Has to be a Better Way

WADE RATHKE Stansbury Forum
Van parked on a street.  Amazon walking towards a house to deliver a package.n
We have continued to practice organizing models that are not designed to organize the emerging monopolies and mass employment enterprises of these times.

Can a Trans Runner Like Me Compete Fairly?

In the highly politicized debate over whether transgender women should be allowed to play women’s sports, opinions tend to divide into two starkly opposing camps.

Jimmy Cliff | Human Touch

A brilliantly animated new single “Human Touch” by Jimmy Cliff celebrates the irreplaceable personal interaction that we are currently deprived of.

The Sacklers and Opiods: You Judge

John Oliver explains how the Sackler family has been handling opiod lawsuits and why you should judge the situation for yourself.