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Signe Wilkinson

Republic Windows ex-CEO gets 4 years in prison

Steve Schmadeke Chicago Tribune
Five years ago the workers at Republic Windows sat-in to demand the boss pay them their vacation and severance pay. Today, the former owner of Republic Windows was sentenced to four years in prison for stealing the workers money. Since then, the workers, members of the United Electrical Workers Union, have formed a workers owned co-op, New Era Windows.

War ‘Actually Just Like the Video Games’ Drone Operator Tells Guy at Bar

Frederick Taub The Duffel Blog
“The media tries to paint this picture of war as all bloody and visceral, like that one picture of that one Marine in Fallujah with the bloody face and the cigarette, but that’s all just propaganda man. Proper, modern warfare is a lot more like playing Command and Conquer.”

Why Won’t Big Automakers Build the Car of the Future?

Jason Fagone Wired
The big automakers aren’t rethinking the automobile from scratch, from the ground up. They’ll bolt the future onto the bones of the past. And if the big guys won’t lead, the little guys will.