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Hundreds Set Sail in 'Reverse Flotilla' to Protest Israeli Naval Blockade

Jacob Chamberlain, staff writer
'We want to say to everyone that enough is enough' - 200 people took part in the "reverse flotilla" which set off from Gaza City where a portion of the boats crossed the six-mile maritime boarder, which is enforced by Israeli Defense Forces, before returning to shore.

Detroit Bankruptcy Bankrupts Democracy

John Nichols
The city is being steered into a wrenching process of restructuring that—by all appearances—will be based on flawed math, flawed priorities and an exceptionally flawed understanding of how democracy is supposed to work.

Agenda Top

Marty Hart-Landsberg Report from the Economic Front

Wal-Mart Arrests - "A New Political Movement?"

Josh Eidelson Salon
Florida Congressman questions Obama's praise for Wal-Mart: "What has Wal-Mart given the president in return?" "Even people who are employed now, many of them are not making enough money to survive," said Grayson. "And the outlet more and more for people that they see is this kind of civil disobedience, because the political system has become completely unresponsive to their genuine concerns and their physical needs."

France’s Aggressive Foreign Policy

Immanuel Wallerstein Aljazeera America
What is behind Francois Hollande’s assertiveness on the world stage? Is the decline of the United States’ effective power on the world scene what is permitting France’s return to aggressiveness ?

Strange Frontiers

Michelle Chen Jacobin
The parts of the border that take the form of an actual, physical barrier are an intrusion on the landscape, an eyesore to many — and to millions, a deadly obstacle to overcome. Just as immigrant rights activists see the border as a violent social barrier, environmentalists see the border fence as an assault on the integrity of regional ecologies.

The Pope Versus Unfettered Capitalism

John Nichols The Nation
Condemning the “new tyranny” of unfettered capitalism and the “idolatry of money,” Pope Francis argues in a newly circulated apostolic exhortation that “as long as the problems of the poor are not radically resolved by rejecting the absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation and by attacking the structural causes of inequality, no solution will be found for the world’s problems or, for that matter, to any problems.”

Wal-Mart Arrests - "A New Political Movement"

Josh Eidelson Salon
Wal-Mart arrests could fuel "A New Political Movement of the Disenfranchised," Florida Congressman Alan Grayson tells Salon. The Congressman questions Obama's praise for Wal-Mart: "What has Wal-Mart given the president in return?"

An iPad on Every Desk, A Trojan Horse, Teachers Say

Samantha Winslow Labor Notes
Teachers in Progressive Educators for Action (PEAC), a caucus within the teachers union, questioned the iPads as one of many quick fixes pushed onto students and teachers by advocates of one-size-fits-all approaches to learning.“This is not technology that helps my classroom,” said high school social studies teacher Rebecca Solomon.