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Mike Luckovich

Tidbits - November 28, 2013

Reader Comments - Black Friday protests; Walmart and retail workers; Congress filibuster; Warren, Sanders - the 2016 elections; healthcare; Detroit; Climate Change; "Hunger Games;" Africa; Iran; Announcements - NC Music Love Army benefit album; New Books - What We Can Learn from the New Deal and JFK - The Cuba Files the untold story of the plot;; Performance-talk and jam - Nueva Canción - New York - Dec 6; PM Press - Holiday Sale and Upcoming Releases!

The Changing American Family

Natalie Angier New York Times
Researchers who study the structure and evolution of the American family express astonishment at how rapidly the family has changed in recent years. Fewer women are becoming mothers, and those who do are having fewer children. Families are becoming more socially egalitarian but, as economic disparities widen, the marital class divide has sharpened. Fewer women are becoming mothers and one big reason is the soaring cost of raising children.

Fateful Time

Leon Wofsy Leon's OpEd
The ultra Right tastes blood in the snafu that threatens "Obamacare"; they are gleefully throwing everything into their last, best chance to overturn any expansion of health care. A "broader" coalition, both domestic and international, is feverishly doing its all to abort efforts at easing tensions with Iran.

Kennedy's Last Act: Reaching Out to Cuba

Peter Kornbluh The National Security Archive
On the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, many are focused on the political atmosphere in the country and the world - specifically the role of the ultra-right in whipping up hysteria, and the machinations and secret plots of the "hidden government," the spy agencies, the FBI and CIA. Now we have previously unreleased material (from the National Archives) about secret negotiations between JFK and Fidel Castro,. Was this the reason to kill?

What Really Happened at the First Thanksgiving? The Wampanoag Side of the Tale

Gale Courey Toensing Indian Country Today Media Network
It was Abraham Lincoln who used the theme of Pilgrims and Indians eating happily together. He was trying to calm things down during the Civil War when people were divided. It was like a nice unity story. So what really happened? We made a treaty. They couldn't make a treaty for a boatload of people so they made a treaty between two nations - England and the Wampanoag Nation.

A Walmart Thanksgiving, by Charles Dickens

Richard Eskow Campaign for America's Future
It was the night before Thanksgiving. Walmart's top brass had assembled in the executive boardroom for a last celebration before heading home to their families. ...Meanwhile, "Black Friday" would begin on Thursday evening, leaving many of its workers unable to spend the holiday with family or friends.