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California Refinery Town Hits Chevron With One-Two Punch

Steve Early and Suzanne Gordon Counterpunch
The legal action against Chevron on Friday, followed by direct action over the weekend, marked the first anniversary of the fire and explosion that created a towering plume of toxic smoke on August 6, 2012.

My Word

Pat Oliphant gocomics

Book Revidew - Hardhats for Peace

Michael Hirsch The Indypendent
A new book by Penny Lewis offers valuable insight into the true nature of the movement to end the war in Vietnam.

Book Revidew - Hardhats for Peace

Michael Hirsch The Indypendent
A new book by Penny Lewis offers valuable insight into the true nature of the movement to end the war in Vietnam.

The Payday Playbook: How High Cost Lenders Fight to Stay Legal

Paul Kiel Nation of Change
Last year, activists in Missouri launched a ballot initiative to cap the rate for loans at 36 percent. The story of the ensuing fight illuminates the industry’s tactics, conducting an underhanded campaign to derail the ballot initiative; and a sophisticated and well-funded outreach effort designed to convince African-Americans to support high-cost lending.

The Detroit 'Bail-In' Template: Fleecing Pensioners to Save the Banks

Ellen Brown Common Dreams
The municipal workers, whose pensions are theoretically protected under the Michigan Constitution, are classified as “unsecured” claimants who will get the scraps after the secured creditors put in their claims. The banking casino, it seems, trumps even the state constitution. The banks win and the workers lose once again.