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Are Street Protests Next in the Fight Over Education Reform?

Amy B. Dean The Nation
As the showdown in Philadelphia indicates, the ongoing battle over education “reform” and school funding—topics often discussed in think tanks, political campaigns or Waiting for “Superman”–style media productions—is moving into the streets. These movements are more than mere isolated acts of resistance; in their demands, the outlines of a coherent policy agenda can be discerned—one that looks honestly at what it will take to bring quality education to our country.

The Agricultural Strike at Sakuma Brothers Farms and the Tradition of Oaxacan Resistance

Brendan Maslauskas Dunn MRZine
Familias Unidas Para la Justicia at Sakuma Brothers Farms are attempting to demolish the dismal conditions of their labor. In doing this they are cultivating a newer and more democratic form of work through their strike. "Viva la Huelga!" is the call of the hour. There is much the labor movement can learn from these striking workers and the long tradition of struggle they come from in Oaxaca.

Teach for America’s Mission in Chicago

Kenzo Shibata Jacobin Magazine
TFA is in crisis mode. With the organization losing true believers within its rank-and-file, it doubled down on recruitment and doubled down on marketing. It’s just a shame that none of this has anything to do with improving teaching and learning.

To Improve Access, Break Up Monopolies

Dipak Gyawali Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Unresponsive power institutions are a bad legacy of the 20th century. And they are the biggest obstacle to improved electricity access for the developing world's poor people -- whether women, children, or men.