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"Masters of War" Released 50 Years Ago Today

Military Project.Org
On This Day 50 Years Ago, the record album, "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan," with the song "Masters Of War," was released. May 27, 1963: One For Our Side

No holidays or parades for homeless women veterans

Lizzie Warren Salon
As we rightly commemorate those who perished while serving in the Armed Forces today, another group of veterans is getting little attention, and its numbers are swelling: homeless women veterans. In fact, while the problem among male veterans has dropped, homelessness among women veterans has risen sharply. It may come as a surprise, but women veterans are the fastest growing homeless population in the nation.

Letter to "The Nation" from a Young Radical

Bhaskar Sunkara The Nation
Liberalism—including much of what’s published in this magazine—seems well-intentioned but inadequate. The solution lies in the re-emergence of American radicalism.

Senate Shoots Down GMO Labeling Bill

Elizabeth Renter Nation of Change
In yet another showing of their lack of concern towards the people who give them their jobs, Senators in Washington D.C. voted against a key GMO labeling amendment to the Farm bill. One that would have allowed states to decide to label the presence of genetically modified ingredients in food products.

The Beauty of Bounded Gaps

Jordan Ellenberg Slate
All right. Most Portside readers are not into pure mathematics . . . it's too hard, too boring, not relevant to real life, whatever. We hope you'll give this article a chance, even if you don't "get" every detail. It's still a very cool and very rewarding read. And it gives just a taste of what it feels like when a mathematician (or scientist) scores a break though . . . and opens up a whole new, previously unimagined, world. -- Moderator

Race and Biology

The idea that some racial groups are, on average, smarter than others is without a doubt among the most discussed (and debunked) “taboos” in American intellectual history. It is an argument that has been advanced since the days of slavery, one that helped push through the draconian Immigration Act of 1924, and one that set off a scientific firestorm in the late 60s that’s hardly flagged since.