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Chechen Terrorists and the Neocons

Coleen Rowley Consortiumnews
The revelation that the family of the two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings was from Chechnya prompted new speculation about the attack as Islamic terrorism. Less discussed was the history of U.S. neocons supporting Chechen terrorists as a strategy to weaken Russia.

Pete Peterson Linked Economists Caught in Austerity Error

By Mary Bottari prwatch
A team of economists at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at UMass Amherst broke a huge story this week that was promptly picked up by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Financial Times, and newspapers around the globe. The economists proved that the essential underpinning "of the intellectual edifice of austerity economics," as Paul Krugman put it, is based on sloppy methodology and spreadsheet coding errors.

Strategic Corporate Research, a new Website

Tom Juravich Strategic Corporate Research
I am delighted to announce the launch of a new website This is a comprehensive set of resources for conducting corporate research and strategic campaigns in the U.S. and Canada. Tom Juravich Professor of Labor Studies and Sociology University of Massachusetts Amherst

Robert Meeropol: Imprisoned for Blogging

Robert Meeropol Rosenberg Fund for Children
Daniel McGowan is now serving the last six months of his seven-year sentence for an environmentally motivated arson at a halfway house in Brooklyn. The Bureau of Prisons has retaliated against McGowan for writing constitutionally protected political blogs by placing him in a special prison unit and then after he was released, re-imprisoned him when he exercised his free speech rights by writing an article complaining about it. Kafka is twirling in his grave.