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Double Whammy - A Grim Jobs Picture & a Horrible "Grand Bargain" Move

Carl Bloice, Black Commentator Editorial Board Black Commentator
First, a terrible jobs report, then a Democratic President offers a budget that proposes cuts to Social Security and Medicare. What they actually heard was Austerity 2013 - U.S. style. President Obama's offering up a cut in Social Security (make no mistake, that's what it is) contravenes promises he has previously made about not undermining the program and a recent flat out pledge by Vice-President Joe Biden that it would not happen.

Tax Day Actions - 30 Years Refusing to Pay for Cruise Missiles and Drone Strikes

National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC)
On April 15 people in communities across the United States will be leafleting, marching, doing street theatre, committing civil disobedience, and picketing at post offices, IRS offices, federal buildings, among other public spaces, using materials calling attention to the harmful effects of military spending.

Disturbing Pablo Neruda’s Rest

By Ilan Stavans New York Times
On its surface, a poem seems incapable of stopping a bullet. Yet Chile’s transition to democracy was facilitated by the poet’s survival in people’s minds, his lines repeated time and again, as a form of subversion. Life cannot be repressed, he whispered in everyone’s ears. It was a message for which he may have died, but that lives on in his verse.

Colombia Peace Marches Draw Thousands

By Peter Bolton and Jonathan Watts The Guardian
Tens of thousands of Colombians have taken to the streets of Bogotá in support of peace talks aimed at ending Latin America's longest-running insurgency