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50,000 Gather in Tunisia to Plan People-Powered Economy

Signe Predmore and Medea Benjamin Portside
It came at a time when the world has been rocked by grassroots uprisings in the Arab world, but also increasing mobilizations to counter the climate crisis, and massive economic protests from southern Europe to “Occupy” groups in the United States to student movements from Quebec to Chile.

Obama, Social Security Cuts & The Labor Party

Jim Kuhnhenn, Chris Townsend
President Barack Obama’s proposed budget will call for reductions in the growth of Social Security and other benefit programs. The reductions in the growth of benefit programs, which would affect veterans, the poor and the older Americans, is sure to anger many Democrats. Labor groups and liberals have long been critical of Obama’s offer to Boehner for including such a plan.

'Chained CPI' Would Cut Social Security

The Chained CPI, deceptively portrayed as a reasonable cost of living adjustment, is a cut to Social Security that would hurt seniors. Watch Robert Reich explain why Chained CPI is so stingy in this video, and then sign his petition to President Obama here.

This video is a MoveOn original.