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Obama's Israel Speech, As Seen From Israel

Gideon Levy Haaretz
Two commentaries on President Obama's speech in Israel by Gideon Levy in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz: Obama Never Stood a Chance With Israeli 'Analysts,' and 'Obama Has a Dream and We Should Listen.'

HeLa Cancer Cells Brew Bioethical Storm

Ewen Callaway Nature
The descendants of Henrietta Lacks have objected to the publication of her tumour cells' genome. The genome of the controversial cell line is no longer public, but another sequence is in the works.

Friday Nite Videos -- March 29, 2013

Is Bill O'Reilly pro-goat-marriage? Key & Peele: What color is Green Falcon? Is Dr. Seuss a Socialist? A social justice Hall of Fame. Rather Go Blind / Playing for Change. Salt Sugar Fat: How the food giants hooked us. What really happened after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Shocking Rahm's Shock Doctrine

Rick Perlstein The Nation
Chicago teachers and other supporters of public education are teaching Mayor Rahm Emanuel that the forces of grassroots democracy can shock back too. And boy, does he have it coming.

AFL-CIO’s Trumka Looks to Remake U.S. Labor Movement

Peter Wallsten The Washington Post
In an interview taped for C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers” program, Richard Trumka said he was seeking a more formal alliance with key elements of the Democratic Party’s liberal base, including civil rights organizations and women’s rights groups. The hope, he said, is to broaden union membership beyond the traditional realm of workplace-based organizing. The full interview is scheduled to air on C-SPAN Sunday at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Tidbits - March 28, 2013

Reader Comments on: Lean In and One Percent Feminism; Marx's Revenge: How Class Struggle Is Shaping the World; BRICS; Dues Check-Off; Obama's Cyber-War; Internet Privacy; Social Security; Independent Worker Unions; Minimum Wage; Detroit; NCAA; Announcements - Fair Elections Rally in NYC - Apr 3; Delegation to Venezuela - Witness the Elections; NYC People's Jazz; Paul Robeson, Woody Guthrie, Peter Seeger - Lessons from the Cultural Front

Germany Sees Rise of Campaign Against Combat Drones

Elsa Rassbach Common Dreams
Leading national and local peace and justice organizations in Germany have launched a major campaign to oppose the German government's recently revealed plan to acquire combat drones. 59% in Germany disapprove of drone strikes (whereas in the U.S. 62% approve of them). With a broad social movement gathering, and with political opposition in the German Parliament growing, Merkel's government last week seemed to back off of the plan to purchase combat zones this year.

Obama in Israel: A Fine Speech, an Unfortunate Change & Not Much Hope

Carl Bloice, Black Commentator Editorial Board Black Commentator
President Obama said a lot of the things that need to be said in his address to Israeli students last week. For that he is due credit. His description of the cause and aspirations of the Palestinian people was on target. The problem is that the overall effect of his latest trip to the Middle East represented a step backwards.