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The Day That TV News Died

Chris Hedges Truthdig
If any single day marks the fall of broadcast reporting, it's when Phil Donahue was banished in 2003 for telling the truth about the coming war in Iraq.

Defending Public Education - Mass Arrests in Chicago Protests

Gary Younge, Robert C. Koehler
Mass school closings are a brutally vivid example of the disconnected politics of Chicago. This is the status quo that is no longer tolerable.More than 100 people arrested while taking part in mass civil disobedience against Rahm Emanuel's cuts and closures. Gary Younge reports from Chicago. Robert Koehler details impact on urban poor neighborhoods.

Fashion Models Shatter Stereotypes, Demand Labor Rights

Jenny Brown Labor Notes
Strip off the gloss and you have a workforce of young women classified as independent contractors, not covered by minimum wage laws, who are often paid in clothes rather than cash, and are in debt to their modeling agencies.

Netflix's "House of Cards" Promotes Union-Bashing

Randy Shaw BeyondChron
Netflix’s new House of Cards series offers an inside look at Beltway power games and is far better than most of this genre---which is why its retrograde and even racist union-bashing is so unfortunate.