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Pink Smoke Over the Vatican

Pink Smoke Over the Vatican is a documentary film about the controversial movement of women seeking to be ordained as priests in the Roman Catholic Church.

Informative, beautifully filmed and edited by film maker Jules Hart. To order dvd, go here or

Friday Nite Videos -- March 15, 2013

The man behind the 47% video comes forward. Three good reasons why we should raise the minimum wage. Detroit drivers stage mass civil disobedience to protest disenfranchisement. Movie: Pink smoke over the Vatican.

Well Done, Brother Herb Shapiro

Staughton Lynd History News Network
Staughton Lynd's tribute to Herbert Shapiro, fellow historian and staunch civil rights and anti-racist activist.

Corporate-Approved State Bills Kick Low-Wage Workers While they're Down

Michelle Chen Working In These Times / In These Times
President Obama called for a modest raise in the federal minimum wage to $9, and several Democratic legislators have upped his bid with a proposed increase to $10.10. But an insidious effort to lower the wage floor is already underway much closer to the ground - in the state legislatures. Among the proposals are measures to undercut minimum wages for teenage workers, restrict overtime pay and repeal or ban local laws to improve working conditions.

Tidbits - March 14, 2013

Published by Portside
Readers Comments on: Wealth Equality; Robert Reich on raising the minimum wage; Unions and evictions; Wither the Socialist Left? - another response to Mark Solomon; LA School Board election and Big Money; Hugo Chavez: Lest We Forget; Guns, the NRA and Newtown; Why not better unions; Philip Bonosky Memorial April 21 in New York; Francisco Aruca R.I.P.; Robin Hood rides again - April 20 - Washington; The Literary Left - Tribute in honor of Alan Wald - March 21 - Ann Arbor