Friday Nite Videos | May 3, 2019
For Pete at 100 | This Land Is Your Land
Studs Terkel does the introduction to the beloved Woody Guthrie song, sung by Judy Collins, Pete Seeger, Fred Hellerman and Arlo Guthrie in this 1976 broadcast from PBS studio in Chicago. Full appreciation of the radical life of Pete Seeger here.
Friday Nite Videos | May 5, 2017
Alice's Restaurant - Original 1967 Recording
In his signature song released 50 years ago Arlo Guthrie tells a true and powerfully understated story of draft resistance that encourages listeners to sing together, resist together and end war.
Alice's Restaurant, 50 Thanksgivings Later
Arlo Guthrie's now-classic song was released in 1967, but the story begins, as the song explains, two years earlier. And 50 years into the story, its themes are strangely and sadly still relevant. And the movement it appeals for is no less needed.
Tidbits - December 25, 2014- Holiday edition

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?
Perhaps Pete Seeger's best known song, composed shortly before Pete was cited for contempt of Congress in 1956 (373 to 9) for refusal to cooperate with HUAC. Pete and Arlo Guthrie here perform it live at Wolftrap. Where Have All the Flowers Gone has been performed in at least 25 languages.
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