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What’s Happening in Cuba?

Merriam Ansara Peace Advocate
Will the current situation in Cuba lead to US-backed violence in Cuba? To answer that question, we first need an understanding of what’s happening. There has been ongoing violence from the United States towards Cuba for 60 years.

The Ascension of Bernie Sanders

Maureen Dowd New York Times
The senator is willing to break a few eggs, over easy, to get Democrats back on track to their working-class roots. He sees this moment as a chance to “address concerns progressives have had for decades.”

America’s Drug Wars: Fifty Years of Reinforcing Racism

Alfred McCoy Tomdispatch
It’s time to end the war on drug users — repeal the heavy penalties for possession; pardon the millions of nonviolent offenders; replace mass incarceration with mandatory drug treatment; restore voting rights to convicts and ex-convicts.
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