War profiteers in the United States grew fat and happy as they do in all wars, and that’s why the “Deep State” they occupy is now so angry at President Joe Biden for finally bringing an end to those once-swollen rivers of cash flow.
Biden’s administration and the Democrat-led Congress are funneling the lion’s share of taxpayer money for “alternatives to detention” into an existing for-profit surveillance program — while spending little on community services.
Since World War II, U.S. soldiers have been stationed on U.S. military bases around the globe. Today, there are around 750 such bases in some eighty countries and colonies.
Congressional approval of the resolution is crucial first step by Democrats toward enacting President Biden's domestic agenda. The president and Democratic caucus are prepared to go forward in addressing the long-neglected needs of working families.
Congress should listen to all of the countries of the world who have repeatedly urged the lifting of the punishing blockade of Cuba. It is time to end the U.S.’s economic war on Cuba.
Will the current situation in Cuba lead to US-backed violence in Cuba? To answer that question, we first need an understanding of what’s happening. There has been ongoing violence from the United States towards Cuba for 60 years.
The U.S. government has never prosecuted a journalist or newspaper for publishing classified information, which constitutes an essential tool of journalism. WikiLeaks published evidence of war crimes that the U.S. military had committed...
The senator is willing to break a few eggs, over easy, to get Democrats back on track to their working-class roots. He sees this moment as a chance to “address concerns progressives have had for decades.”
Tired of waiting for progress as the world burns, climate activists are shaping the public narrative — through mass protest and targeted actions — to favor federal legislation.
It’s time to end the war on drug users — repeal the heavy penalties for possession; pardon the millions of nonviolent offenders; replace mass incarceration with mandatory drug treatment; restore voting rights to convicts and ex-convicts.
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