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Reggie Jackson Speaks the Ugly Truth About Baseball’s Past

Dave Zirin The Nation
Baseball legend Reggie Jackson tells the Fox Sports audience the truth about playing baseball in the 1960s in the South. “I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.” He then spoke for several minutes about being treated like something less than human.

Angela Davis Returns to Birmingham

Angela Davis reflects on Palestinian rights and the indivisibility of freedom, the Birmingham civil rights movement and the on-off-and-then-on-again award to her.

Tidbits - Jan. 24, 2019 - Reader Comments: Time for Federal Workers to Get Sick; LA Teachers Win!; MLK's Radical Internationalism; Attacks on the Women’s March; Zionism; Palestine; Angela Davis; Bernie Sanders; and more...

Reader Comments: Time for Federal Workers to Get Sick; LA Teachers Win!; Dr. King's Radical Internationalism; Attacks on the Women’s March; JVP - On Zionism; Time to Break the Silence on Palestine; Angela Davis Supported; Bernie Sanders; and more...

Tidbits - August 31, 2017 - How to Help - Harvey Relief - How You Can Help; Problems with Outlook; Reader Comments: Racism, Hatred, Slavery, Those Monuments; Populist Victory in Birmingham, AL; Today's Socialist Movement, DSA; 4,000 Rabbis Berate Trump; a

How to Help - Harvey Relief, Texas AFL-CIO, Not Red Cross, Organizations on the Ground that Need Help; Problems with Outlook; Reader Comments: Racism, Hatred, Slavery, Those Monuments; Populist Victory in Birmingham, AL; Building Today's Socialist Movement, DSA; California Hate Crime Tracker; 4,000 Rabbis Berate Trump; Announcements - Voting and Partisan Gerrymandering; Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression; MEDICC 20th Anniversary Conference in Cuba
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