U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings — the son of sharecroppers who rose to become a House committee chairman and Baltimore icon — often spoke of the need to leave a legacy for “generations unborn."
Montgomery, a city where more than half the population is black and known as the birthplace of the civil rights movement, elected an African American to the highest position in municipal government for the first time in its 200-year history.
People are hitting the streets to protest government inaction, repression, and corruption. Youth have "unbounded energy and optimism coupled with idealism." That energy, however, can't be sustained without organization, activists warn.
The book under review charts two worlds of the Jazz industry, paying attention both to the joy it brought to listeners alongside the depth of racism and economic exploitation behind the music.
We are in a time when there is a tremendous sense of movement for a more just nation and world. The question that has to be answered if this protest movement is not to be marginalized is this: “What are the people power vehicles we are building?"
June marks the 55th anniversary of the Freedom Summer, when more than 700 college students - whose average age was 21 - traveled mostly from the North to Mississippi to work with local Black-led organizations to support their civil rights work.
The book under review documents a century of struggle against the partitioning of groups on the basis of race through property markets, constructions of community, and the scourge of neoliberalism, revealing racialist ideology and means to end it.
Reader Comments: Saving the Planet - Youth Climate Strike; White Nationalism Deep Roots; New Zealand - How a Government Should Respond; Setting the Record Straight - Prof. Joseph Wilson; lots of resources and announcements...
February 1 marked the 59th anniversary of the start of the Greensboro sit-ins, a protest started in 1960 by four college students against racial segregation in Greensboro, North Carolina. Their actions quickly spurred a nationwide movement.
Chicago legend and icon, Timuel Black, turned 100 on December 7, 2018. He has been instrumental in making the city of Chicago and our world a better place, and we could not be more grateful.
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