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Ruby Dee, a Ringing Voice for Civil Rights, Onstage and Off, Dies at 91

Davis Family; Bruce Weber; Rep. Maxine Waters
Actor, author, activist Ruby Dee took her final bow at home in New Rochelle, New York on June 11, 2014. She was a gifted and talented woman who joined with her late husband, Ossie Davis, to produce and present some of the most enjoyable and inspirational stage productions and movies of the last half century.

Civil Rights Champion Yuri Kochiyama Dies at 93

Japanese-American activist and Malcolm X Ally, Yuri Kochiyama, has died at the age of 93. She spent two years in an internment camp and helped win reparations for Japanese-Americans. She was with Malcolm X when he was assassinated. She inspired generations. Tributes from 18 Million Rising and the Asian American Studies Center at UCLA; links to some of her writings and interviews.

Join Us June 25-29, 2014 for the 50th Anniversary of Freedom Summer

The 50th Anniversary of Mississippi Freedom Summer
Freedom Summer 50th is a five-day convening to learn from the past, evaluate our present, and strategize for the future. The international conference and youth congress will be held June 25th - 29th, 2014 in Jackson, Mississippi on the campus of Tougaloo College. Work sessions will examine each issue area and explore its context in the present-day struggle for justice not only in Mississippi, but globally.

A Mighty Oak Has Fallen - Dr. Vincent Gordon Harding (July 25, 1931 - May 19, 2014)

D.L. Chandler; Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove; Rose Marie Berger
Dr. Vincent G. Harding, Civil Rights pioneer, colleague, advisor and speechwriter for Dr. Martin Luther King, died this week at age 82. He drafted King's anti-Vietnam War speech, "Breaking the Silence". As people like King and Rosa Parks became icons, Harding insisted that America could not celebrate their lives without continuing to devote ourselves to the work they and many others had done.

Race Matters - Justice Sotomayor's Dissent

William Greider; Julianne Hing; Justice Sonia Sotomayor
The Michigan case, Judge Sonia Sotomayor explained, is simply the latest example of an old and familiar abuse of the Constitution. The white majority used its power to change the rules in the middle of the game and deprive racial minorities of a fair shot at acquiring their just political rights.

The Disgraceful Rejection of Debo Adegbile

Scott Lemieux The American Prospect
Republicans voted against his approval as part of a broader anti-civil rights agenda, but the 7 Democrats who joined them ought to be mortified by their own cowardice.


Labor Long Intertwined with Civil Rights

Jens Manuel Krogstad USA TODAY
Though the unions held themselves up as civil rights advocates, white workers often saw their black counterparts as a threat because they competed for the same jobs. In response, black workers formed coalitions to change unions from within. The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, for example, was founded in 1972. One union stood out when it came to opportunity and access for black workers: the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters with its significant black membership.

Friday Nite Videos -- Feb 21, 2014

Ellen Page at Time to Thrive. Flashmob: Ravel's Bolero. Truthful Tuesdays in South Carolina. 'Ew!' with Jimmy Fallon, Will Ferrell & First Lady Michelle Obama. Carolina Slim -- Every Day I Have the Blues.

Friday Nite Videos -- Feb 24, 2014

Michael Sam and the NFL. Language and Human Nature. Moral March on Raleigh. Are We Descended from Martians? Pete Seeger Speaks.
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