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Tidbits - Mar. 12, 2020 - Reader Comments: Coronavirus Pandemic and GOP Attack on Social Security, Medicare, CDC; Three-Fourths of Democratic Delegates Still to be Voted On; Sanders, Biden, Warren; Coronavirus Factsheet in 20 Languages; more....

Reader Comments: Coronavirus Pandemic and GOP Attack on Social Security, Medicare, CDC; Three-Fourths of Democratic Delegates Still to be Voted On; Sanders, Biden, Warren; Coronavirus Factsheet in 20 Languages; more resources, announcements;


“We’re Not Going to Work Through Coronavirus”

David Broder Jacobin
Italian mechanics pictured at their garage. The European country hit hardest by coronavirus, Italy has announced a near-total shutdown of shops and public venues, but many nonessential workplaces are still running. Refusing to let bosses risk their safety, workers are now going on strike.

Donald Trump Is Using the Coronavirus Crisis to Attack Social Security

Nancy J. Altman Independent Media Institute
The proposal to cut the payroll contribution rate would either undermine Social Security’s financing or employ general revenue, both of which would set the stage for future demands to cut Social Security. And it likely would not be temporary.

Friday Nite Videos | March 6, 2020

Coronavirus | John Oliver. Rock Me Baby | Beverly "Guitar" Watkins. Surge | Movie. Hold Truth to Power. How to Tell Matter From Antimatter.

Coronavirus | John Oliver

As coronavirus spreads, John Oliver discusses what’s being done to fight it, what’s gone wrong, and how to stay safe

Tidbits - Mar. 5, 2020 - Reader Comments: 2020 elections, Bernie, the media; Coronavirus - Science, Trump, Pence, message from Wuhan, China; Iran Resources; Chile Webinar; Normalize US-Cuba Relations Conference; Rosenberg Fund 30th Anniversary; more....

Reader Comments: 2020 elections, Bernie, DNC, the media; Coronavirus - Science, Trump, Pence, message from Wuhan, China; Iran Resources; Chile Webinar; Normalize US-Cuba Relations Conference; Future of American Labor; Rosenberg Fund 30th Anniversary;
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