To a corporate media that largely complemented, rather than countered, Trump’s fear-based narratives on immigrants, trans people and crime, blaming the left is infinitely more appealing than recognizing their own culpability.
Deceit, ignorance, and the death of civic responsibility now function as the perfect storm enabling fascist politics. America is no longer ashamed of its ignorance; it is now a matter of fondness and serves as a measure of loyalty.
"It is the totally reasonable demand that autoworkers, who have made enormous financial sacrifices over the past 40 years, finally receive a fair share of the record-breaking profits their labor has generated," he said.
Broadcasters play a propaganda role as does print media such as the Guardian. An example was the [1984] Miners’ Strike. TV presented “picket-line violence," while those involved saw police violence. Another example was the attack on Jeremy Corbyn.
When is a lockout a strike? When corporate media says so. The corporate media will always defer to corporate interests because those are the interests that pay its bill. As a result, labour concerns are usually either downplayed or ignored.
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The New York Times, by portraying Africa as a place of failure and no leadership, participates in the White Savior Industrial complex and the NGO pyramid scheme in keeping the Global North in position of dominance over their “former colonies."
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