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COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus.

Tidbits – Jan. 12, 2023 – Reader Comments: Today’s McCarthyism in the House; Why Nurses Strike; New York’s Dems and Progressives; How Finland Is Teaching a Generation To Spot Misinformation; Rosa Luxemburg on Revolution; Ukraine Solidarity Network; Cartoo

Reader Comments: Today's McCarthyism in the House; Why Nurses Strike; New York's Dems and Progressives; How Finland Is Teaching a Generation to Spot Misinformation; Rosa Luxemburg On Revolution; Ukraine Solidarity Network; Cartoons; more...

COVID in China, the U.S., and Everything In-Between

Katelyn Jetelina Your Local Epdemiologist
We should be very concerned for the people of China. They have gone from a “zero COVID” policy to a “let it rip” policy. It is possible that a variant of concern will arise from their disaster. But the U.S. already has a problem of its own.

Can the Left Disagree Without Being Disagreeable?

Vijay Prashad CounterPunch
We need to be far more generous with each other, able to hold conversations without resort to insults and abuses. Out of disagreement comes understanding. But out of malicious slander only comes disorientation.
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