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How the Attack on Teachers Threatens the Future of Public Schools

Sarah Jaffe; Illustrator: Adrià Fruitós Rethinking Schools
There are now 567,000 fewer educators in public schools than at the beginning of the pandemic. “What we must have is a high-quality, experienced, certified, and stable public education workforce.”

Defending the First Amendment

Paul Ortiz Portside
*Organize where you are* and please understand a simple truth. The widening assault on K-20 education, union rights, intellectual freedom and the First Amendment is soon coming to your back yard if it hasn't yet arrived.

Friday Nite Videos | April 22, 2022

Chris Smalls: The Man Who Took on Amazon and Won. Gimme Shelter | Playing for Change Band. Michigan Lawmaker Says, ‘We Will Not Let Hate Win.’ Fiddler's Journey to the Big Screen | Documentary. Astrophysicist Breaks Down the Origins of Life.

Republicans Are Determined To Stop Teachers From Educating Students

Joel McNally Shepherd Express (Milwaukee)
The latest rightwing attack on public schools has been raging for more than a year with angry, screaming parent groups disrupting school board meetings threatening jobs and lives of educators. Those weren’t actually spontaneous grassroots protests.
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