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One for All, and All for Hunt

Natalie Angier New York Times
The dogs are “true altruists,” essentially willing to shorten their lives for the sake of the hive, They’re even further along the line of evolving into the mammalian equivalent of honeybees than we thought.

Dogs Feel Jealousy, Raising Questions About Its Evolutionary Origin

Jason G. Goldman io9
Non-human social species -- like dogs -- might also be capable of demonstrating primordial jealousy. The basic structure of jealousy is straightforward: it emerges from a social triangle. When an interloper threatens an existing, important relationship, the outcome can be jealousy.

How Voices Carry Signals of Sexual Intent

Jesse Bering Scientific American
Listeners prefer and respond more favorably (or in technical terms, in a more “proceptive” fashion) to opposite-sex voices that contain these special subtle acoustics

How Wolves Became Dogs

A quick description of the likely path that over time changed the wolf -- an excellent hunter -- to the modern dog.

Strange Animals May Have Their Own Distinct Nervous System

John Timmer Ars Technica
If you think this suggests that early animals started out simple and gradually evolved new features, and things like sponges branched off before they were added, you wouldn't be alone. Over the years, lots of researchers argued the same thing. But a recent genome sequence indicated that the oldest branch of the animal family tree that led to the comb jellies, with muscles, nerves, and tentacles, were an older branch than sponges.

Creation Science 101

To understand creation science, you should get straight the difference between a cynic and a hypocrite.

Is America Evolving on Evolution?

Sean B. Carroll Scientific American
As we celebrate Darwin’s birthday on February 12, there is some positive news about Americans’ views

Why Bill Nye Won the Creationism Debate Last Night

Chris Mooney Mother Jones
In the debate, Nye allowed Ham to undermine himself before the audience. By in effect preaching, rather than sticking to scientific assertions, Ham demonstrated what we've always known about creationism, and what many canny anti-evolutionists have sought to conceal: It's a religious doctrine, not a scientific one.
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