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The Novel and the Secret Police

Peter Coviello Boston Review
In Vineland, Thomas Pynchon's dour 1990 novel, the author of Gravity’s Rainbow anticipated a United States where all available definitions of freedom are channeled through security apparatuses understood as the greatest good. Sound familiar?

Is Trump Planning a Coup d’État?

Sasha Abramsky The Nation
Many observers—including Republicans—worry that he is. They’re organizing now to stop him. Given the administration’s record of embracing “numerous corrupt and authoritarian practices,” huge numbers of Americans must be ready to take to the streets

Tidbits - Sept. 10, 2020 - Reader Comments: Trump Calls Out White Supremacists; Trump and Military Veterans; Billionaires Plunder Working Folks; Allende Remembered - the Other 9/11; Congress Must Act - COVID Jobs Losses Continues; Lots of Announcements;

Reader Comments: Trump Calls Out White Supremacists; Trump and Military Veterans; Billionaires Plunder Working Folks; Allende Remembered - the Other 9/11; Why Congress Must Act - COVID Jobs Losses Continues; Lots of Announcements; and more...

Tidbits - Aug. 27, 2020 - Reader Comments: Jacob Blake's sister speaks out; Federal Judge -end law shielding police immunity; School Reopening; Trump's Tax Returns - no immunity; Athletes protesting; Kamala Harris; cartoons, poems, resources, announcement

Reader Comments: Jacob Blake's sister speaks out; Federal Judge -end law shielding police immunity; School Reopening; Trump's Tax Returns - no immunity; Athletes protesting; Kamala Harris; cartoons, poems, songs, resources, announcements and more...

Tidbits - Aug. 20, 2020 - Reader Comments: Defeat Trump, Kamala Harris; Dismantling of Post Office is Dismantling of Democracy; Joan Baez' Open Letter Tribute to Dr. Anthony Fauci; How to Vote Early; Don’t let Facebook determine the news you see; more...

Reader Comments: Defeat Trump, Kamala Harris; Dismantling of Post Office is Dismantling of Democracy; Joan Baez' Open Letter Tribute to Dr. Anthony Fauci; How to Vote Early; Don’t let Facebook determine the news you see; Lots of Announcements; more..

A Message to the Left About Kamala Harris — And Us

Richard Eskow Common Dreams
Should activists sit this election out? Not if you believe in activism. The right tactical call for activists is to elect the politicians they're most able to cajole, persuade, and pressure. That means viewing politicians in a different light...

Mandela Taught Us the Value of a United Cause in Prison

Sunny Singh The Mercury
My focus is on our struggles inside prison. These were struggles to improve the terrible conditions that were beyond any civilised standards. Even in the harshest conditions all the forces fighting the regimes, were united against a common enemy.
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