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Friday Nite Videos | October 2, 2020

The Supreme Court. The Good Lord Bird | Miniseries Trailer. What the Proud Boys Stand for, in the Founder's Words. What It's Like to Be Evicted in the Middle of a Pandemic. How to Drugs.

Tidbits - Oct. 1, 2020 - Reader Comments: This election and a divided country - will we survive?; Pentagon response to Trump coup plot; Weaponization of religion; Save Our Post Office; Confronting White Power; announcements; more ...

Reader Comments: This election and a divided country - will we survive?; Pentagon response to Trump coup plot; Weaponization of religion; Save Our Post Office a Defense of Civil Society; Confronting White Power in 2020; resources; announcements; more

United Front or Bust

Ethen Young The Indypendent
There is only one option for the left before the big showdown: Close ranks with the centrists and work harder than them to oust Trump, and hopefully flip the Senate. Numbers and unity needs to be the focus of our strategy, short and long-term.

Trump, Fascism and the Allure of Authoritarianism

Gregory N. Heires and Raymond Markey The New Crossroads
The Big Lie. Racism. Nationalism. Armed militias. Electoral sabotage. A police state. An imperial presidency. All of these signs of Nazi governance are embraced by Trump, who doesn’t hide his admiration for the world’s authoritarian leaders.


Long Past Due: Joan Wallach Scott's On the Judgment of History.

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
Three efforts to right historical wrongs - Nuremberg Trials' prosecution of Nazi war crimes but not crimes against its own people, South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation established the former if not the latter, and today's demand for reparations.

The Election That Could Break America

Barton Gellman The Atlantic
If the vote is close, Donald Trump could easily throw the election into chaos and subvert the result. Who will stop him? Let us not hedge about one thing. Donald Trump may win or lose, but he will never concede.

The Blue Wall Of Silence

Aurin Squire Talking Points Memo
Cops are at the crux of this cultural war of neoliberalism vs. fascism. They are sworn to uphold the constitution and laws of freedom while also operating legal torture chambers and killing people of color.
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