As the far right grows world-wide through the confluence of traditional conservatives, authoritarian elements, white nationalists and previously marginal fascists, its sway makes struggles against capital problematic. A new book charts alternatives.
With many, it was less joy than sighs of relief; neither Saxon nor Brandenburg voters gave the far-right, fascist-leaning Alternative for Germany (AfD) the Number One position it had hungered for.
Reader Comments: Sanders Political Revolution; Global Authoritarianism; White Supremacy and Terrorism; Immigrant Workers; Jews Disloyal ?!?; David Koch; Puerto Rico; Kashmir; Neoliberalism; Socialist Labor Activism; Climate Strike; Fall Calendar;
The ideology of neoliberal capitalism was the promise of growth. But with neoliberal capitalism reaching a dead end, this promise disappears and so does this ideological prop.
Democracy is in crisis around the world, while authoritarianism is on the rise in a growing number of countries. Existing democratic institutions are hollowed out and increasingly unable to respond to the authoritarian wave.
Reader Comments: Israel Bans Omar and Tlaib; 'Political Center' a Dangerous Myth; Trump's Union Crowd?; NAACP for Impeachment; Emma Lazarus; Immigrant Labor; Trump Copying Hitler; New Resource: The 1619 Project; Announcements; and more....
The author of a new book, Burt Neuborne, is one of America’s top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs
Germany today, the right-wing AfD cries out, sounding like Adolf Hitler: 'Panicked nightmares are increasing in our land, especially unfortunately among blonde women! And this in our own country. It is insufferable!" And they are winning elections!
Christian Picciolini discusses the mainstreaming of white nationalism, what it takes to de-radicalize far-right extremists, and why the problem is metastasizing.
A father and son describe what it's like to hear desperate cries on the sea at night as Italy hardens its stance against refugees. If people are in danger at sea, sailors save them, without asking where they come from or the colour of their skin.
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