An extended ode to the revolutionary German playwright-genius Bertolt Brecht, whose exhaustive new collected poems exalt combating injustice while keeping faith in his fidelity to dissent.
Sweezy adds a layer of historical analysis to the Comintern’s theory of fascism. He does this by defining it as the product of imperialism, which can only develop in the era of monopoly capitalism.
The grassroots movement behind the Green New Deal offers a ray of hope to the badly battered establishment: they should embrace it - make it part of the progressive agenda. We need something positive to save us from ugly wave of populism, nativism...
Skokie and the Nazis - there were massive counter-demonstrations, black and Jewish solidarity, Holocaust survivors who vowed to confront the Nazis in the streets, and a grassroots of proud, leftist Jews.This untold history offers lessons for today.
The documentary film Nae Pasaran pays tribute to the Scottish trade unionists working at the Rolls-Royce plant in East Kilbride in 1974 who refused to carry out repairs to Chilean air force jet engines, eventually rendering them obsolete.
Reader Comments: Reader Comments: 2018 elections, Voter Suppression, Georgia; Connected Fights: Racism and Anti-Semitism; Contemporary Music and Theme of Work; Military Budget; U.S. Foreign Policies and Wars; Toward Racial Justice; Announcements...
We must organize a broad democratic front to confront this fascist government. We have a base of opposition with 12 governors and more than a third of the parliament, we have people’s organizations to resist . We must doubledown on grassroots work.
Reader Comments: Migrant Caravan-Sanctuary Support; Nuclear Arms Treaty; American Support for Fascism; Class Consciousness; Eastern Band Cherokee Indians: Sen. Warren Only Claims Tribal Ancestry; Jewish Vote: #WeAreHere to #EndWhiteNationalism; more
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